The Replacement of U with O in Inglish

In Inglish, the letter u is replaced by o in specific contexts, particularly when it occurs between r, t, m, n, and y. 
This change is inspired by Old French orthographic practices, where words like Munday were transformed into Monday to simplify spelling and improve readability. 
By adopting this shift, Inglish simplifies the visual complexity of words and maintains both phonetic and orthographic consistency.

Rules for Replacing U with O:

    The letter u is replaced with o when it occurs between the following letters:
        r, m, n, y

    Examples (Modern English to Inglish):
        run → ron(e
        young → yoŋ
        stun -> stonne
        stunt -> stont

Additionally, words where ur appears before m or n in Modern English also undergo this shift for consistency in Inglish.


    turn → toûn(e
    return → retoûn(e
    burn → boûn(e
    furnace → fornace

Words Ending in -ump:

    Words that end in -ump in Modern English become -omp in Inglish, following the same principle.

        bump → bomp
        hump → homp
        plump → plomp

Verbs and Nouns with -met or -mit:

    Words like plummet and summit also follow this rule, with u replaced by o.

        plummet (n) → plomet
        plummet (v) → ta plomette
        summit → somit