The Grave Accent in Inglish In Inglish, the grave accent is used on the following vowels: à, ì, è, ò, ù, ỳ. The grave accent indicates both pronunciation and stress in the word. IPA Pronunciations of Accented Vowels: Àà: /æ/ Ìì, Ỳỳ: /ɪ/ Èè: /ɛ/ Òò: /ɔ/ Ùù: /ə/ Examples of Words Transcribed from English to Inglish: analysis → anàlysiʃ committee → comìti regret → regrèt anemone → anèmoni cost → còst lost → lòst Austria → Òstria disruptive → disrùptif reluctant → relùctant abundant → abùndant analytical → analỳtical