The Acute Accent in Inglish

In Inglish, the acute accent is used on the following vowels: á, í, é, ó, ú, ý.

The acute accent not only suggests how the vowel is pronounced but also typically indicates the stressed syllable in the word.
IPA Pronunciations of Accented Vowels:

    Áá: /ɑ/ or /ɑr/
    Íí, Ýý: /i/
    Éé: /eɪ/
    Óó: /ɑ/
    Úú: /u/

Examples of Words Transcribed from English to Inglish:

    father → fáþor
    conceive → concíve
    to volunteer → ta voluntíre
    contain → conténe
    anonymous → anónimoʃ
    root → rút
    kangaroo → kângarú
    seam → sým
    heat → hýt

The letter á is pronounced /ɑr/ when it appears before m or n:

    alarm → alám
    farm → fám
    charm → chám