This letter is one of two different vowel sounds, depending on the other letters around it.

1. It is /ə/ when there are two consonants after it, or when it is the only vowel in the word:
to cut -> ta cutte
I cut the grass every day. -> I cut þe graʃ evryday.
She cuts the grass on Mondays. -> Sie cuts þe graʃ on Mondays.
He cut the grass two days ago. -> Hie cutt þe graʃ tu days agô.
We always cut the grass on weekends. -> Uie always cutte þe graʃ on ɯiekends.
They shut the dogs in their room whenever I come to visit. ->
Ћey shutte þe dogs in þeir roum ɯhenevre I come ta vìsite.

2. It is /u/ when,

There is no more than one consonant following it with a silent -e at the end:
cute -> c̃ute
mute -> m̃ute
muse -> m̃use
school -> scule
crude, rule, rude, tube

It is immediately followed by a silent -e:
blue, true, avenue

It precedes another vowel:
nuance, congruence, influence

3. This letter also serves as the /w/ sound when between a consonant and an accented vowel:
swerve -> suêve
sweat -> suèt
suave -> suáve
swarm -> suaûm
to quake -> ta quâke
to twerk -> ta tuêq

And when following the letter q:
to squeak -> ta squike
to squeal -> ta squile
squirmy -> squêmy
squirrel -> squerl

4. This letter can also serve as a "silent u" when a hard g comes before i, e, and y:
to give -> ta guive
to get -> ta guet
gift -> guift
geek -> guik