I This letter can represent one of two sounds: 1. When it's the only vowel in a word, it is pronounced as /ɪ/: E.g. bit, fit, hit, kit, mit, pit, sit, zit 2. It's always /ɪ/ when two consonants follow: E.g. sick rich ditch -> dich to comit -> ta comitte to convict -> ta convicte permission -> permiss̃on comission -> comiss̃on citizen -> cittasan 3. When not stressed, it is pronounced as /ə/: E.g. individual -> indiviᶁual /ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒ(ə)wəl/ 4. It is also stressed /ɪ/ in nouns ending in -ion: E.g. condition -> condicion ambition -> ambicion conviction -> conviccion fiction -> ficcion adiction -> adiccion addition -> addicion 5. When a silent -e is at the end of the word, the letter is pronounced /i/. E.g. elite meme -> mime machine -> maçine to see -> ta sihe to repeal -> ta repile to compete -> ta compite to repeat -> ta repite to defeat -> ta defite complete -> complite When -i is at the end of a word, it is also pronounced as /i/. E.g. recipe -> recipi anemone -> anèmoni catastrophe -> catàstrofi hyperbole -> hypêrboli