The suffix "-ion" plays a significant role in noun formation in both Latin and French, carrying over into English and other languages that have borrowed from them. 
This suffix is used to create nouns that express the action, result, or condition related to the meaning of the root verb.

Inglish borrows these words from English and applies accent marks and letters typically derived from Romance languages.


-cte becomes -ccion
to act -> ta acte
the action -> þi accion
to compact -> ta compacte
the compaction -> þe compaccion
to infect -> to infecte
the infection -> þi infeccion

-ete/-aite becomes -âcion
to animate -> ta animete
the animation -> þi animâcion
to demonstrate -> ta demonstrete
the demonstration -> þe demonstrâcion
to navigate -> ta navegaite
the navigation -> þe navegâcion
to donate -> ta donete
the donation -> þe donâcion
to dictate -> ta dictete
the dictation -> þe dictâcion
to operate -> ta óperaite
the operation -> þi óperâcion

-âte becomes -âcion
to relate -> ta relâte
the relation -> þe relâcion
to negate -> ta negâte
the negation -> þe negâcion
to conflate -> ta conflâte
the conflation -> þe conflâcion
to inflate -> to inflâte
the inflation -> þi inflâcion

These words drop their accents when forming adjectives
relative -> relatif
negative -> negatif

-mitte becomes -miss̃on
to admit -> to admitte
the admission -> þi admiss̃on
to comit -> ta comitte
the comission -> þe comiss̃on
to emit -> to emitte
the emission -> þi emiss̃on

-de becomes -s̃on
to decide -> ta decîde
the decision -> þe decis̃on
to explode
the explosion -> þi explôsion
to erode
the erosion -> þi erôsion
to corrode -> ta corode
the corrosion -> þe corôsion

Adjective forms:
decisive -> decîssif
explosive -> explôssif
erosive -> erôssif
corrosive -> corôssif

Some irregulars:
to creative -> ta criâte
the creation -> þe criâcion
creative -> criâtif
to equate -> to equâte
the equation -> þi equâsion
the equator -> þi equâtor
to edit -> ta èdite
the edition -> þi edicion