Conjugation Patterns: -aie In this section, we focus on how -aie verbs are conjugated across different tenses. Present Tense: The verb retains its -aie ending for all pronouns, except for the third-person singular, which adds -s. Examples: ta plaie → plaies ta desplaie → desplaies ta laie → laies ta delaie → delaies ta paie → paies ta praie → praies ta slaie → slaies ta dismaie → dismaies Past Tense: The past tense adds -d to the -aie ending. Examples: plaied desplaied laied delaied paied praied slaied dismaied Progressive Tense: The -aie ending changes to -ayiŋ in the progressive form. Examples: playiŋ desplayiŋ layiŋ delayiŋ payiŋ prayiŋ slayiŋ dismayiŋ Some verbs deviate from the regular conjugation patterns. ta saye (to say): Present: sais Past: said Progressive: sayiŋ maye (to may): Present: maye Past: mîht (no progressive form) Resources: