i | - see sihe
- flee flihe
- flea flí
- fleet flite
- seat site
- meat mite
- meaty míty
- meet miet
- meteor mítior
- leaf lýf
- feet fýt
- heat hýt
- meer mire
- to steer ta stire
- the steer þe stier
- dear dire
- deer dier
- mirror míror
ɪ | - commit comitte
- committee comìti
- commission comiss̃on
- condition condicion
- addiction addiccion
u | - food foud
- room roum
- kangaroo kângarú
- shampoo shampú
- root rute
- use euse
- choose chouse
ʊ | - book bûc
- cook cûc
- foot fût
- would ɯoûd
- should seûd
- could coûd
- wood ɯeud
- wolf ɯôlf
- woman ɯôman
- cushion cûcion
- sugar s̃ugar
- stood stûd
- shook seûk
- took tûk
æ | - analysis, analyses anàlysiʃ, anàlysis
ɑ | - father fáþor
- bother bóþre
- got gót
- anonymous anónimoʃ
ɑr | - barn bán
- farm fám
- harm hám
- architect arkitect
- regard regárd
ɔ | - caught coht
- taught toht
- fought foht
- bought boht
- song sòŋ
- coffee caufi
- cough còff
- Australia Austrâlha
- Austria Òstria
- she saw it sie sohe it
- saw sauh
- draw drauh
- dawn daɯn
- lawn laɯn
ɔr | - oar aur
- boar baur
- roar raur
- war ɯaur
- to warn ta ɯaûne
- reward reɯaûd
- storm stôm
- corn côn
- to adorn to adône
- to adore to adôre
ɛ | |
ɛr | - care caire
- dare dâre
- stare stâre
- fare fâre
- hare hâre
- compare compaire
- comparison compaîasson
- prepare prepâre
- impair empeire
- impairment empeîment
- their þeir
- despair despere
ɝ | - burn boûn
- turn toûn
- urn oûn
- learn lêne
- earn êne
- emerge emêge
- emergency emêgency
- animator animaitor
- demonstrator demonstraitor
- speaker spiqeur
- teacher tiecheur
- hammer hamor
- stammer stamor
- anger ângar
- sugar s̃ugar
- sure s̃ure
- bigger bigher
- thinner þinner
- feature fieȶure
- picture picçure
- curve côve
- hors d'oeuvres ordôves
aɪ | - polite polît
- unite eunîte
- high hîh
- height hîht
- sight sîht
- site sîte
- cite cîte
- disguise disguîse
- find fînd
- bind bînd
- rewind reɯînd
- fight fyht
- dry dryh
- sky skyh
- sigh syh
- lie lyh
- liar lyheur
- cry crîe
- try trîe
- trial trîal
- rely relîe
- reliance relîance
- comply complîe
- compliance complîance
- justify justifaihe
- amplify amplifaihe
- isle île
- aisle aìel
- island yland
- iron aên
- Iceland Yssland
- ice îce
eɪ | - contain conténe
- container conténor
- maintain mainténe
- obtain obténe
- to convey ta conveie
- to obey to obeie
- conveyance convéance
- create criâte
- creation criâcion
- creative criâtif
- fake fâke
- shake seâke
- take tâke
- lake lâc
- negate negâte
- negation negâcion
- relate relâte
- relation relâcion
- animate animete
- animation animâcion
- contemplate contemplete
- contemplation contemplâcion
- contemplative contemplaitif
- demonstrate demonstrete
- demonstration demonstrâcion
- to stay ta staie
- to pay ta paie
ɔɪ | - annoy anoie
- enjoy enjoie
- employ emploie
- employer employeur
- destroy destroie
- destroyer destroyeur
aʊ | - cow cao
- now nao
- brown braon
- sound saond
- allowed allaoed
- aloud alàud
- to found ta faond
- foundation faondâcion
- I found it I fàund it
oʊ | - go goɯe
- know noɯe
- hypnosis hipnôsiʃ
- oatmeal oatmial