Eunivêrsal Declarâcion of H̃uman Rîhts


Ɯheras recognicion of þi inherent dignety and of þi iqual and inâlienable rîhts of all membres of þe h̃uman famly is þe faondâcion of friedom, jùstice and pice in þe ɯorld,
Ɯheras disregárd and contèmpt for h̃uman rîhts have resulted in barbaroʃ acts ɯhich have aotrâged þe conscience of mankînd, and þi advent of a ɯorld in ɯhich h̃uman byings shal enjoie friedom of spiech and belief and friedom from fier and ɯánt has bìn proclâmed as þe hîhest aspirâcion of þe cómon píple,
Ɯheras it is essencial, if man is not ta bie compelled ta have recorse, as a last resôrt, to rebelhon against týranny and oppress̃on, þat h̃uman rîhts seûd bie protected by þe rule of laɯ,
Ɯheras it is essencial ta promote þe devèlopment of frendly relâcions betɯín nâcions,
Ɯheras þe píples of þi Eunîted Nâcions have in þe Chartre riafêmed þeir faiþ in fondamèntal h̃uman rîhts, in þe dignety and ɯorþ of þe h̃uman person and in þi iqual rîhts of men and ɯimmen and have detêmined ta promote social prógress and better standards of lîf in larger friedom,
Ɯheras Membre Stâts have plèged þemselfs to achíve, in coóperâcion ɯiþ þi Eunîted Nâcions, þe promôcion of eunivêrsal respèct for and obsêvance of h̃uman rîhts and fondamèntal friedoms,
Ɯheras a cómon ondrestandiꬻ of þise rîhts and friedoms is of þe gretest impôrtance for þe full rialisâcion of þis plège,
Nao, þerefore,

Ћe General Assèmbly,

Proclâmes þis Eunivêrsal Declarâcion of H̃uman Rîhts as a cómon standard of achívement for all píples and all nâcions, 
to þi end þat evry indiviᶁual and evry organ of socîety, kiepiꬻ þis Declarâcion cónstantly in mînd, shal strîve by tieching and eᶁucâcion ta promote respèct for þise rîhts and friedoms and by progrèssif mes̃ures, 
nacional and intrenàcional, ta sec̃ure þeir eunivêrsal and effèctif recognicion and obsêvance, boþ amoꬻ þe píples of Membre Stâts þemselfs and amoꬻ þe píples of territories ondre þeir jurisdiccion.

Article 1

All h̃uman byings are bône frie and iqual in dignety and rîhts.
Ћey are endaoed ɯiþ ríson and conscience and seûd acte tords oun anoþre in a spirit of broþorhud.

Article 2

Evryoun is entîtled to all þe rîhts and friedoms sett forþ in þis Declarâcion, ɯiþaot distinccion of eny kînd, 
such as râce, color, sex, lânguage, religion, political or oþre opiñon, nacional or social origin, próperty, burþ or oþre status. 
Furþremore, no distinccion shal bie mâde on þe bâssiʃ of þe political, jurisdiccional or intrenàcional status of þe contry or territory to ɯhich a person belongues, 
ɯheþre it bie indepèndent, trust, non-self-govirniꬻ or ondre eny oþre limitâcion of sóvranty.

Article 3

Evryoun has þe rîht to lîf, liberty and sec̃urety of person.

Article 4

No oun shal bie held in slâvry or sêvitude; slâvry and þe slâve trâde shal bie prohìbited in all þeir fôms.

Article 5

No oun shal bie subjected to torȶure or to crule, inh̃uman or degrâdiꬻ tritement or pùniçement.

Article 6

Evryoun has þe rîht to recognicion evryɯhere as a person before þe laɯ.

Article 7

All are iqual before þe laɯ and are entîtled ɯiþaot eny discrìminâcion to iqual proteccion of þe laɯ. 
All are entîtled to iqual proteccion against eny discrìminâcion in vîolâcion of þis Declarâcion and against eny incîtement to such discrìminâcion.

Article 8

Evryoun has þe rîht to an effèctif remedy by þe cómpetent nacional trîbeunals for acts vîoletiꬻ þe fondamèntal rîhts granted him by þe constitúcion or by laɯ.

Article 9

No oun shal bie subjected to arbitrairy arrèst, detencion or exîl.

Article 10

Evryoun is entîtled in full iquálety to a fair and public hýriꬻ by an indepèndent and imparcial trîbeunal, 
in þe detêminâcion of his rîhts and obligâcions and of eny criminal charge against him.
