Ћe Bill of Rîhts

Amèndment I

Congress shal mâke no laɯ respectiꬻ an estàbliçement of religion, or prohìbitiꬻ þe frie exercîse þerof; 
or abrìgiꬻ þe friedom of spiech, or of þe press; or þe rîht of þe píple picebly to assemble, and ta peticione þe Government for a redrèss of grievances.

Amèndment II

A ɯell-reg̃uleted Milicia, byiꬻ necessairy to þe sec̃urety of a frie Stâte, 
þe rîht of þe píple ta kiepe and baire Áms, shal not bie infringed.

Amèndment III

No Solgior shal, in tîme of pice bie caurtored in eny haoʃ, ɯiþaot þe consènt of þi Oɯneur, nor in tîme of ɯaur, 
but in a manar ta bie prescrîbed by laɯ.

Amèndment IV

Ћe rîht of þe píple ta bie sec̃ure in þeir persons, haoses, pâpres, and effècts, against unrísonable cerches and sis̃ures, 
shal not bie vîoleted, and no Ɯaûants shal iss̃ue, but upón próbable cause, supported by Oaþ or afirmâcion, 
and partic̃ularly descrîbiꬻ þe plâce ta bie cerched, and þe persons or þings ta bie sised.

Amèndment V

No person shal bie held ta ansore for a capital, or oþrewîse infamoʃ crîme, unleʃ on a presèntment or indîtement of a Grand Jury, 
excèpt in câsses arîsing in þe land or nâval forces, or in the Milicia, ɯhen in acçual sêvice in tîme of Ɯaur or pùblic dânger; 
nor shal eny person bie subject for þe sâm offence to bie tɯîce pût in jepardy of lîf or lim; 
nor shal bie compelled in eny criminal câsse to bie a ɯitness against himsèlf, nor bie deprîved of lîf, liberty, or próperty, 
ɯiþaot due prócess of laɯ; nor shal prîvat próperty bie tâken for pùblic euʃ, ɯiþaot just compensâcion.

Amèndment VI

In all criminal proseqúcions, þi ac̃used shal enjoie þe rîht to a spídy and pùblic trîal, by an imparcial jury of þe Stâte and district ɯherìn þe crîme shal have bìn comitted, 
ɯhich district shal have bìn priviosly ascerténed by laɯ, and ta bie infômed of þe nâȶure and cause of þi ac̃usâcion; 
ta bie confronted ɯiþ þe ɯitnesses against him; ta have compùlsry prócess for obténing ɯitnesses in his fâvor, 
and ta have þi Assìstance of Caonsel for his defence.

Amèndment VII

In Súts at cómon laɯ, ɯhere þe vallue in cóntroversy shal excide tɯonty dollars, þe rîht of trîal by jury shal bie presêved, 
and no fact trîed by a jury, shal bie oþreɯîse ri-exàmined in eny Cort of þi Eunîted Stâts, than acording to þe rules of þe cómon laɯ.

Amèndment VIII

Excèssif bail shal not bie requîred, nor excèssif fîns imposed, nor crule and uneus̃ual puniçements inflicted.

Amèndment IX

Ћi enúmerâcion in þe Constitúcion, of certan rîhts, shal not bie construed ta denîe or dispârage oþres reténed by the píple.

Amèndment X

Ћe paors not delegaited to þi Eunîted Stâts by þe Constitúcion, nor prohìbited by it to þe Stâts, are resêved to þe Stâts respèctivly, or to þe píple.
